Submitted by unfpa_root_user on
The ongoing crisis in Syria and its spillover effects continue to in­flict a devastating human and humanitarian toll on neighbouring countries. The rising numbers of displaced persons, the increasing pressure on refugee hosting countries and dwindling internation­al support left governments that already face economic and social challenges, along with the United Nations agencies, including UNF­PA, racing to meet the pressing humanitarian needs on the ground.
The scale of the unfolding tragedy in Syria and now in Iraq and its distressing humanitarian consequences and impact continue to outstrip forecasts. Today, there are an estimated of 3.5 million Syr­ian women and girls of reproductive age, of which 525,000 are pregnant women, and more than 250,000 Iraqi displaced women who are in dire need of urgent health and protection support. Many of these vulnerable women have been subject to violence, econom­ic hardship and psychological trauma caused by a crisis that, to them, seems endless. 
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The ongoing crisis in Syria and its spillover effects continue to in­flict a devastating human and humanitarian toll on neighbouring countries.
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UNFPA Regional Syria Response Hub
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