Submitted by zerzan on

Highlight of the month: A new health facility and new women and girls' safe spaces started providing services in two hard-to-reach communities in Idleb, Syria.

Syrian Arab Republic (from all operational modalities):

  • 304,771 reproductive health services delivered to Syrians
  • 8,050 deliveries supported, including 3,015 C-section deliveries
  • 56,406 family planning services
  • 12,934 gender-based violence response services provided to Syrians
  • 14,385 women accessed women's safe spaces

In neighbouring countries affected by the crisis:

  • 23,105 reproductive health services delivered to Syrian refugees
  • 5,261 Syrians received family planning services and consultations
  • 2,647 clients received gender-based violence response services
  • 8,752 Syrian refugees accessed women's safe spaces and participated in activities in camps and host communities
  • 4,284 Syrian refugees reached with gender-based violence related messages
  • 1,654 dignity kits distributed
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Highlight of the month: A new health facility and new women and girls' safe spaces started providing services in two hard-to-reach communities in Idleb, Syria.
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UNFPA Regional Syria Response Hub
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