Submitted by zerzan on

The security situation while generally calm remained tense and highly fragile in some parts of the country. Humanitarian needs remain high in Protection of Civilian and Internally Displaced Person camp sites. Partners continued prepositioning commodities in remote areas to ensure delivery of services during the rainy season. UNFPA continued providing coordination to reproductive health working group and gender-based violence sub-cluster with meetings with stake-holders taking place in a regular basis within all the humanitarian hubs.

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The security situation while generally calm remained tense and highly fragile in some parts of the country. Humanitarian needs remain high in PoCs and IDP camp sites. Partners continued prepositioning commodities in remote areas to ensure delivery of services during the rainy season. UNFPA continued providing coordination to RH working group and GBV sub-cluster with meetings with stake-holders taking place in a regular basis within all the humanitarian hubs.
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UNFPA South Sudan
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