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The security situation is relatively calm during the reporting period. However, heavy shelling and fighting were reported around Bentiu, Unity State. Also inter-communal tensions in Lakes State have left many dead. Overall incidents of criminality are reportedly on the increase. South Sudanese parties failed to reach an agreement on the outstanding issues by the deadline of 5 March 2015, as set by the Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD). However, efforts to reach political solution to the current conflict will continue under the mediation of the IGAD and the international community with the negotiations expected to resume next April.

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The security situation is relatively calm during the reporting period. However, heavy shelling and fighting were reported around Bentiu, Unity State. Also inter-communal tensions in Lakes State have left many dead. Overall incidents of criminality are reportedly on the increase. South Sudanese parties failed to reach an agreement on the outstanding issues by the deadline of 5 March 2015, as set by the Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD). However, efforts to reach political solution to the current conflict will continue under the mediation of the IGAD and the international community with the negotiations expected to resume next April.
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