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The "Training Workshop on Capacity-Building for NGOs in Conflict/Post-Conflict Situations" was held in Bratislava, Slovakia, 18-22 November 2002. The Workshop had two main objectives: to empower participants through skills development training, enabling them to contribute more effectively to their conflict-torn societies; and to formulate strategies and tools to ensure that UNFPA best supports this empowerment, specifically by addressing those strategies through a comprehensive gender-sensitive approach.

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The "Training Workshop on Capacity-Building for NGOs in Conflict/Post-Conflict Situations" was held in Bratislava, Slovakia, 18-22 November 2002. The Workshop had two main objectives: to empower participants through skills development training, enabling them to contribute more effectively to their conflict-torn societies; and to formulate strategies and tools to ensure that UNFPA best supports this empowerment, specifically by addressing those strategies through a comprehensive gender-sensitive approach.
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For Non-Governmental Organizations in Conflict/Post-Conflict Settings
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