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Highlights of UNFPA Response

In February, the number of mobile teams providing reproductive health and family planning services were doubled to two teams in targeted governorates of Amram, Saada, Hajjah, Ibb, Taizz, Al-Dhalea and Lahjj, which have been most affected by the conflict.

Nearly 2,000 (1,957), women received family planning services.

1,435 pregnant women received ante-natal care, and 111 women were assisted during delivery and post-natal care.

In addition, daily primary health care services benefited 11,653 women, men and children.

8,000 dignity kits were procured and prepositioned in targeted governorates of Taiz, Ibb and Al-Mahweet.

An assessment of dignity kits was conducted among 20,000 beneficiaries in 19 governorates, and it highlighted the huge need for these kits for the inclusion of first aid items and winter clothes for colder areas.

A total of 574 beneficiaries were reached with gender-base violence services in February, with the largest number seeking psychosocial support services (412) followed by health services (141). 

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