Submitted by zerzan on

The recent cholera outbreak of an unprecedented scale has resulted in more than 100,000 suspected cases, 789 associated deaths, and is threatening the lives of an estimated 1.1 million malnourished pregnant women.

This rapid spread of the disease in 19 governorates is a manifestation of the dire humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen where more than half of all health facilities no longer function due to conflict. Health and sanitation workers have not been paid for over eight months, only 30 per cent of required medical supplies are being imported into the country, and more than eight million people lack access to safe drinking water and proper sanitation.

Humanitarian partners have developed an integrated response plan to contain and prevent the further spread of cholera, seeking $66.7 million. As of 30 May, the 2017 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan is 23 per cent funded, with the Health Cluster funded at 13 per cent.

Highlights of UNFPA Response

  • Mobile clinics reached 16,348 people (women: 8,252, men: 1,627, girls: 3,503, boys: 2,966) with reproductive health services in conflict-affected governorates of Aden, Al Bayda, Al Hudaydah, Amran Lahj and Taizz. The mobile clinics integrate reproductive health services with nutrition counselling, screening and referral of malnourished mothers and babies.
  • More than 20,000 dignity kits also containing information on cholera prevention were distributed to women and girls across 11 governorates, including in areas with high numbers of suspected cholera cases.
  • A total of 1,334 multi-sectoral services were provide for gender-based violence survivors in May with the highest being for psychosocial support services (549) and health services (264).
  • One hundred and sixty-two reproductive health kits were distributed to 24 health facilities in 12 districts in Sa’ada Governorate, benefiting nearly 40,000 women and girls  reproductive age. The health facilities targeted include cholera treatment centers where resources have been overstretched by the epidemic.
  • The new UNFPA Representative to Yemen, Anjali Sen, assumed office and arrive in Sana’a in May. Meetings were held with key local entities to position UNFPA as a key humanitarian partner, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Planning, national and international NGOs, and UN agencies.
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The recent cholera outbreak of an unprecedented scale has resulted in more than 100,000 suspected cases, 789 associated deaths, and is threatening the lives of an estimated 1.1 million malnourished pregnant women. This rapid spread of the disease in 19 governorates is a manifestation of the dire humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen where more than half of all health facilities no longer function due to conflict
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