Submitted by ranck on

Join the team where everyone counts.

UNFPA is looking for motivated and committed persons with a strong belief in the purpose and mandates of the United Nations who are willing to dedicate themselves to an international career.

We offer interesting and challenging work, learning opportunities, and a diverse environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

We are recruiting for profiles with experience in gender-based violence, reproductive health, adolescent and youth, gender and human rights, population and development, resource mobilization as well as humanitarian and operational staff including HR / Finance / IT / Procurement and Programme Management.

Working at UNFPA

The United Nations Population Fund works to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

UNFPA is the world’s largest source of population assistance. We are on the ground improving lives in more than 150 countries. We are a catalyst for action and advocacy. Through partnerships with governments, other UN agencies, civil society and the private sector, UNFPA makes a positive difference in the lives of billions of people most in need.

We advocate for universal access to sexual and reproductive health, promote reproductive rights, reduce maternal mortality and accelerate progress on the Millennium Goals to empower and improve the lives of underserved populations.

UNFPA prides itself in improving the lives of those most vulnerable. We continue to break the cycle of poverty, strengthen the social fabric and create a sustainable future. It’s our objective to respond to tomorrow’s challenges today. We are driven to ensure that the reproductive health and rights of women and young people remain the centre of our work.

What we do

Helping mothers live

UNFPA helps governments to deliver sexual and reproductive health care. We advocate for the right of all people to voluntarily decide the number and timing of their children. We support programmes that improve access to and promote the acceptance and utilisation of family planning services. We also promote maternal health to safeguard the lives of mothers and their newborn babies.

Empowering youth

UNFPA’s key strategies for empowering and protecting young people include incorporating youth issues into national development and poverty reduction strategies, expanding access to sexual and reproductive health education, promoting a core package of health services for young people, and encouraging youth leadership and participation in policy dialogue and quality programming.

Changing gender norms

UNFPA tackles gender inequality and violations of rights through education for young/adolescent girls, women’s economic empowerment, women’s political participation and the balancing of reproductive and productive roles.

Getting everyone counted

UNFPA assists countries in obtaining a full set of facts and figures to understand population dynamics, chart trends and plan for the future. This allows the building of sound policies to address the nation’s needs, from developing capacity in data analysis, to participating in national and global policy dialogue. It includes migration, ageing, climate change and urbanisation.

HIV prevention

UNFPA focuses on HIV prevention among young people, women and marginalised groups. We support comprehensive programming for male and female condoms. We advocate for the integration of sexual & reproductive health and HIV policies, programmes, and services.
Providing humanitarian assistance
UNFPA takes the lead in providing services to promote reproductive health, emphasising the needs and vulnerabilities of women and young people. UNFPA supports data collection activities in humanitarian situations to inform planning and health assessments which allow for effective and efficient relief. We also assist communities as they enter the reconstruction phase.

Typical Job Profiles at UNFPA


The UNFPA Representative plays the leading role in projecting the priorities and mandate of the organization at the national and/or area level. Through compelling advocacy and leadership, the Representative effectively positions UNFPA to be the visible centre of innovation and excellence on issues of population and development, sexual and reproductive health, and gender, human rights and culture. Placing International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) issues at the centre of the overall development agenda, the Representative plays a significant part in ensuring a coordinated and comprehensive engagement across the UN system, with bilateral donors and civil society, with national counterparts and other partners. The Representative provides leadership for the work of UNFPA in the country of assignment and is accountable for the UNFPA Country programme and operations in the country.

Key activities include: • Strategic direction, planning and management • Programme leadership and representation • Programme oversight and coordination • Resource management of resources

Deputy Representative

In close collaboration with the UNFPA Representative, the UNFPA Deputy Representative plays a leading role in strengthening the Country’s capacity to implement the ICPD Programme of Action within the context of its national development efforts for the achievement of the MDGs, thus ensuring national ownership. He/she is primarily responsible for the formulation and delivery of the UNFPA Country programme, projecting the programme of the organization, promoting at the national level the goals of the programme and ensuring the integration of issues of population, sexual and reproductive health, and gender in the broader development agenda. The Deputy Representative plays a leadership role also within the UNFPA country team, providing an example of creative programme development and sharing knowledge and insights with staff to facilitate broad country programme management.

Key activities include: • Programme leadership • National capacity development • Partnerships and advocacy • Resource management

Regional Operations Manager

The Regional Operations Manager provides leadership and advice on all aspects of office management and operations, from financial and human resources management, procurement, IT, general administration, travel and logistics, common services and security of UNFPA premises and staff. He/she also provides support and oversight to country offices in the region on operations issues, in collaboration with the regional programme and technical team. The Operations Manager leads strategic planning for UNFPA operations and setting of management targets, and outsourced services.

The Operations Manager role is to ensure a smooth functioning, well-managed and results oriented Regional Office and to facilitate programme implementation and delivery by providing for the operational needs of programmes and projects managed by the Region. The Operations Manager will also ensure country offices within the region are strengthened and supported in their operations, needs and queries by developing corporate administrative management policies, regulations, rules and procedures compatible with regional needs.

Programme Specialist

The Programme Specialist contributes to the co-ordination and management of quality, timely and integrated technical and programme support to country offices, ensuring that country programmes are implemented in the context of: the ICPD Programme of Action and UNFPA Strategic Plan as well as national development processes, frameworks and UN reform. He/she monitors country level technical support progress and needs, and provides feedback to a team of regional Technical Advisers. As focal point to assigned country offices and components of the regional programme, the Programme Specialist ensures that programme assistance and capacity development needs are met and technical assistance is delivered and managed effectively through appropriate modalities.

Key activities include: • Support to policy and programme development and implementation • Capacity development • Knowledge management • Programme management support

Finance Associate

The Finance Associate delivers quality financial services to internal and external clients mastering all relevant rules, guidelines, processes and procedures. He/she takes a clientoriented results-focused approach to interpreting the rules, procedures and guidelines, providing assistance and guidance to the country office and UNFPA-supported projects.

Key activities include: • Supporting the monitoring of programme financial performance for all core and non-core resources by providing necessary financial information and analysis. • Developing tools and mechanisms for effective and efficient monitoring of programme and project budgets. • Interpreting financial policies and procedures and providing guidance and training to staff and project managers. • Assisting in the management of the country office budget. • Maintaining an effective financial recording and reporting system, internal control and audit follow-up. • Reviewing and monitoring charges for common services and cost and representing UNFPA’s interests in related negotiations and agreements.

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