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Last week, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres visited Mozambique to assess progress and challenges in the wake of cyclones Idai and Kenneth. © UNFPA Mozambique/Natalia da Luz

The devastating cyclones struck just a few weeks apart in March and April. Months later, 46,000 people are still living in camps. © UNFPA Mozambique/Natalia da Luz

Mr. Guterres visited a UNFPA-supported women-friendly space, a safe place where women and girls can receive information and referrals to health and social services. © UNFPA Mozambique/Natalia da Luz

To respect the women-only space, Mr. Guterres placed his chair outside the entrance of the tent. Agueda Nhantumbo, a UNFPA aid worker, explains how risks to women and girls increase in crisis settings. © UNFPA Mozambique/Natalia da Luz

The women-friendly spaces, operated by UNFPA and provincial authorities, also provide supplies for the women to teach each other skills, such as pottery and basket weaving. Here, women teach one another to plait hair. © UNFPA Mozambique/Natalia da Luz

“We just need the tools necessary to go back and make a living,” one woman told the Secretary-General. © UNFPA Mozambique/Natalia da Luz

The storms offer “a clear example of what’s in store for all of us if we don’t act now: more frequent, intense and damaging natural disasters,” Mr. Guterres said. “We need urgent climate action.” © UNFPA Mozambique/Natalia da Luz

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United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres visited UNFPA programmes for storm survivors in Mozambique.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres visited UNFPA programmes for storm survivors in Mozambique.
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