Sessions and Informals

Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS: Annual session 2014

to Sunday, July 27, 2014 - 11:30
ECOSOC Chamber, United Nations Headquarters

Item 1 - Organizational matters

Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and workplan (DP/2014/L.2)
Revised UNFPA financial regulations and rules (DP/FPA/2014/9)

Item 9 - Annual Report of the Executive Director

Report of the Executive Director for 2013: Progress in the implementation of the UNFPA strategic plan, 2008-2013 (DP/FPA/2014/5, Part I)
Statistical and financial review, 2013 (DP/FPA/2014/5, Part I, Add.1)
Report of the Executive Director: on the recommendations of the Joint Inspection Unit in 2013 (DP/FPA/2014/5, Part II)

Item 10 - UNFPA strategic plan, 2014-2017

Strategic framework for UNFPA global and regional interventions, 2014-2017 (DP/FPA/2014/8)
Supporting document

Item 11 - Evaluation

Annual report on evaluation (DP/FPA/2014/7)

Item 12 - Financial, budgetary and administrative matters

Roadmap towards a revised UNFPA oversight policy (DP/FPA/2014/CRP.2)
Revised UNFPA financial regulations and rules (DP/FPA/2014/9)
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions on the revision of the UNFPA financial regulations and rules (DP/FPA/2014/13)

Item 13 - UNFPA country programmes and related matters

CPD Afghanistan [2015-2019] (DP/FPA/CPD/AFG/4)
CPD Angola [2015-2019] (DP/FPA/CPD/AGO/7)
CPD Comoros [2015-2018] (DP/FPA/CPD/COM/6)
CPD Kenya [2014-2018] (DP/FPA/DCP/KEN/8)
CPD Sierra Leone [2015-2019] (DP/FPA/CPD/SLE/6)
CPD Timor Leste [2015-2019] (DP/FPA/CPD/TLS/3)
CPD Tunisia [2015-2019] (DP/FPA/CPD/TUN/9)
CPD Venezuela [2015-2019] (DP/FPA/CPD/VEN/3)
CPE Guinea-Bissau [2015] (DP/FPA/2014/12)
CPE Uganda [2015] (DP/FPA/2014/11)

Item 15 - Internal audit and oversight

Report of the Director of the Division for Oversight Services on UNFPA internal audit and investigation activities in 2013 (DP/FP/2014/6)

Item 16 - Report of Ethics Office

Report of the Ethics Office (DP/FPA/2014/4)