Sessions and Informals

Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS: Annual session 2018

to Friday, June 8, 2018 - 18:00
Conference room 3 - United Nations Headquarters

Item 1 - Organizational matters

Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and workplan (DP/2018/L.2)
Report of the first regular session 2018 (DP/2018/8)

Item 9 - Consultation on the revised Integrated Budget, 2018-2021, including change management

Revised integrated budget, 2018-2021 (DP/FPA/2018/8)

Item 10 - Annual report of the Executive Director

Cumulative review of the UNFPA Strategic Plan, 2014-2017 (DP/FPA/2018/4, Part I)
Annex 1: Output scorecard and indicator updates, 2014-2017
Annex 2: Results in humanitarian action and resilience building, 2014-2017
Annex 3: UNFPA engagement of faith-based and religious actors, 2014-2017
Annex 4: Implementation of global and regional interventions, 2014-2017
Annex 5: Implementation of General Assembly resolutions 67/226 and 71/243 on the quadrennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system, 2014-2017
Annex 6: Data supplement, 2014-2017

Item 11 - Country programmes and related matters

CPD Kenya [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/KEN/9)
CPD Rwanda [2018-2023] (DP/FPA/CPA/RWA/8)

Item 12 - Evaluation

Annual report of the Evaluation Office (DP/FPA/2018/5)
Annex 1: Quality assessed evaluations (2017)
Annex 2: Decentralized programme-level evaluations (2017)

Item 14 - Financial, budgetary and administrative matters

Joint report on cost recovery (DP/FPA-ICEF-UNW/2018/1)
Annexes to the joint report on cost recovery

Item 15 - Internal audit and oversight

Report of the Director of the Office of Audit and Investigation Services on the UNFPA internal audit and investigation activities in 2017 (DP/FPA/2018/6)
Annex 1: Charter of the Office of Audit and Investigation Services
Annexes 2 to 7

Item 16 - Report of UNFPA Ethics Office

Report of the Ethics Office 2017 management response