Sessions and Informals

Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS: First regular session 2018

to Friday, January 26, 2018 - 18:00
ECOSOC Chamber - United Nations Headquarters

Organizational matters

Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and workplan (DP/2018/L.1)
Report of the second regular session 2017 (DP/2018/1)
Report of the special session 2017 (DP/2018/2)
Decisions adopted by the Executive Board during 2017 (DP/2018/3)

Item 6 - Country programmes and related matters

CPD Central African Republic [2018-2021] (DP/FPA/CPD/CAF/8)
CPD Djibouti [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/DJI/5)
CPD Egypt [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/EGY/10)
CPD Ghana [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/GHA/7)
CPD Jordan [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/JOR/9)
CPD Mauritania [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/MRT/8)
CCPD Cabo Verde [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/CCPD/2018/CPV/1)

Item 7 - Evaluation

Quadrennial budgeted evaluation plan, 2018-2021 (DP/FPA/2018/1)
Formative evaluation of the UNFPA innovation initiative (DP/FPA/2018/CRP.1)
Management response to the formative evaluation of the UNFPA innovation initiative (DP/FPA/2018/CRP.2)

Item 9 - Recommendations of the Board of Auditors

Follow-up to the report of the United Nations Board of Auditors for 2016: the status of implementation of the recommendations (DP/FPA/2018/2)