Sessions and Informals

Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS: First regular session 2021

to Thursday, February 4, 2021 - 17:00
Remote Access

To download all the UNFPA first regular session 2020 documents in their entirety, please click here

Please note that the following documents are advance copies subject to change in the final versions. Once the documents are issued in the official languages, the final language versions are made available on theĀ Official Document System of the United NationsĀ (ODS).

Tentative Workplan Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS First Regular session 2021

Tentative workplan first regular session 2021

Item 1 : Organizational matters

Report of the second regular session 2020 (DP/2021/1)
Decisions adopted by the Executive Board during 2020 (DP/2021/2)
Annual workplan 2021 of the Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS (DP/2021/CRP.1)
Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and workplan (DP/2021/L.1)
Corrigendum (DP/2021/L.1/Corr.1)

Item 2: Board of Auditors and recommendations

Report on the implementation of the recommendations of the United Nations Board of Auditors, 2019 (DP/FPA/2021/1)
Recommendation implementation summary (2019)
Financial report and audited financial statements (2019) report of the Board of Auditors


Report on the implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the Programme Coordinating Board of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (DP-FPA/2021/1)

Item 7 : UNFPA Evaluation

Formative evaluation of the UNFPA approach to South-South and triangular cooperation (DP/FPA/2021/CRP.1)
UNFPA management reponse to formative evaluation of the UNFPA approach (DP/FPA/2021/CRP.2)

Item 8 : UNFPA Country Programme and other matters

Armenia Corrigendum
Azerbaijan CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/AZE/5)
Azerbaijan Corrigendum
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Comments and response from Member States
Draft Azerbaijan CPD
China CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/CHN/9)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Comments and responses from Member States
Draft China CPD
CĆ“te dā€™Ivoire CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/CIV/8)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Country programme evaluation (CPE) Annex
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Comments and responses from Member States
Draft CĆ“te dā€™Ivoire CPD
Eswatini CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/SWZ/7)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Comments and responses from Member States
Draft Eswatini CPD
Georgia CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/GEO/4)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Comments and responses from Member States
Draft Georgia CPD
North Macedonia CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/MKD/2)
North Macedonia Corrigendum
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Draft North Macedonia CPD
Panama CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/PAN/4)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Country programme evaluation (CPE) Annex
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Draft Panama CPD
Somalia CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/SOM/4)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Comments and responses from Member States
Draft Somalia CPD
Tunisia CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/TUN/10)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Comments and responses from Member States
Draft Tunisia CPD
Uganda CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/UGA/9)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Comments and responses from Member States
Draft Uganda CPD
Uruguay CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/URY/4)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Draft Uruguay CPD
Uzbekistan CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/UZB/5)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Draft Uzbekistan CPD
Armenia CP extension [2021] (DP/FPA/2021/2.Add.1)
Guatemala CP extension [2021] (DP/FPA/2021/2)
Syrian Arab Republic CP extension [2021] (DP/FPA/2021/2)
Bangladesh CP extension [2021] (DP/FPA/2021/2)
Venezuela CP extension [2021] (DP/FPA/2021/2)
Guinea-Bissau CP extension [2021] (DP/FPA/2021/2)
Maldives CP extension [2021] (DP/FPA/2021/2)
Tanzania CP extension [2021-2022] (DP/FPA/2021/2)

Item 8 : Other matters

Update on the implementation of General Assembly resolution 72/279 on the repositioning of the United Nations development system
Update on UNFPA response to the COVID-19 pandemic