Sessions and Informals

Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS: Second regular session 2017

to Monday, September 11, 2017 - 16:30
ECOSOC Chamber, United Nations Headquarters

Item 1 - Organizational matters

Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and workplan (DP/2017/L.3)
Report of the annual session 2017 (DP/2017/28)

Item 7 - UNFPA strategic plan, 2018-2021

UNFPA strategic plan, 2018-2021 (DP/FPA/2017/9)
Annex 1: Integrated results and resources framework
Annex 2: Theory of change
Annex 3: Alignment with General Assembly resolution 71/243 of 21 December 2016
Annex 4: Business model
Annex 5: UNFPA programme accountability framework
Annex 6: Global and regional interventions
Annex 6.1: Regional interventions action plan for Asia and the Pacific, 2018-2021
Annex 6.2: Regional interventions action plan for Arab States, 2018-2021
Annex 6.3: Regional interventions action plan for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 2018-2021
Annex 6.4: Regional interventions action plan for East and Southern Africa, 2018-2021
Annex 6.5: Regional interventions action plan for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2018–2021
Annex 6.6: Regional interventions action plan for West and Central Africa, 2018–2021
Annex 6.7: Global interventions action plan, 2018-2021
Annex 7: Working together to support implementation of the 2030 Agenda

Item 8 - UNFPA integrated budget, 2018-2021

UNFPA integrated budget, 2018-2021 (DP/FPA/2017/10)
Annex 1: Additional information on financials and posts related to the UNFPA integrated budget, 2018-2021
Annex 2: Cost recovery: Detailed information based on the current cost recovery methodology
Annex 3: UNFPA responses to ACABQ recommendations made in its report on the midterm review of the UNFPA integrated budget, 2014–2017 (DP/FPA/2016/4)
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions on the on the UNFPA integrated budget, 2018-2021 (DP/FPA/2017/12)

Item 9 - UNFPA structured funding dialogue

Report on contributions by Member States and others to UNFPA and revenue projections for 2017 and future years (DP/FPA/2017/11)
Annex 1: UNFPA contribution revenue for 2015-2016 and estimates for 2017
Annex 2: Funds received by UNFPA in 2016 as administrative agent for joint United Nations programmes
Annex 3: Co-financing contributions from programme countries in support of their own country programmes
Annex 4: Additional information on financials and posts related to the UNFPA integrated budget, 2018-2021

Item 10 - Country programmes and related matters

CPD Bolivia [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/BOL/6)
CPD Burkina Faso [2018-2020] (DP/FPA/CPD/BFA/8)
CPD Costa Rica [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/CRI/5)
CPD Dominican Republic [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/DOM/6)
CPD Gabon [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/GAB/7)
CPD Guinea [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/GIN/8)
CPD India [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/IND/9)
CPD Kyrgyzstan [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/KGZ/4)
CPD Moldova [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/MDA/3)
CPD Myanmar [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/MMR/4)
CPD Nepal [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/NPL/8)
CPD Nigeria [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/NGA/8)
CPD Pakistan [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/PAK/9)
CPD Palestine [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/PSE/6)
CPD Papua New Guinea [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/PNG/6)
CPD Somalia [2018-2020] (DP/FPA/CPD/SOM/8)
CPD Sri Lanka [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/LKA/9)
CPD Ukraine [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/UKR/3)
CPD Pacific-SRO [2018-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/PIC/6)
CPE Dem Rep Congo [2018] (DP/FPA/2017/13)
CPE Liberia [2018] (DP/FPA/2017/13)
CPE South Africa [2018] (DP/FPA/2017/13)

Item 12 - Financial, budgetary and administrative matters

Report of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS on joint procurement activities (DP/FPA/OPS/2017/1)

Item 13 - Follow-up to UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board meeting

Report of the implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the Programme Coordinating Board of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (DP/2017/37 - DP/FPA/2017/12)

Item 14 - Field visits

Report of the joint field visit of the Executive Boards of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, UNICEF, UN-Women and WFP to Nepal (DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF-UNW-WFP/2017/CRP.1)