CRVS systems explained

CRVS systems explained Civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems play an important role in every individual’s life, and provide crucial data for government service delivery. Find out more in this interview with international CRVS consultant, Gopalan Balagopal.


SERIES: About CRVS systems
Find out more about CRVS systems, how they function, and why they are so important to both individuals and government in this series of interviews.

The power of death statistics to improve lives

The power of death statistics to improve lives Routine death statistics offer important data to identify new conditions and track success in reducing disease. Learn more from Prabhat Jha of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto in this interview.


SERIES: About CRVS systems
Find out more about CRVS systems, how they function, and why they are so important to both individuals and government in this series of interviews.

CRVS systems at a glance

CRVS systems at a glance This interview with Srdjan Mrkić, an expert at the United Nations Statistics Division, explains CRVS systems and their importance.


SERIES: About CRVS systems Find out more about CRVS systems, how they function, and why they are so important to both individuals and government in this series of interviews.

Measuring disability, migration, and marriage registration - recommended questions for inclusion in censuses

Submitted by zerzan on

This technical brief provides guidance on the recommended questions for inclusion in censuses in order to improve the quality and comparability of data on disability and international migration. It also encourages the inclusion of questions on age at first marriage, type of marriage, and registration status of the marriage in the 2020 round of census.