ICPD Beyond 2014: International Conference on Human Rights

07 - 10 July 2013

Noordwijk, the Netherlands

Chair’s Reflections
Conference Report

Regional ICPD Review Europe and Central Asia

01 - 02 July 2013

Geneva, Switzerland

Outcome Document
Chair's Summary
Survey result: Executive Summary

Regional Conference on Population and Development in Africa

30 - 04 October 2013

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Declaration on Population and Development in Africa Beyond 2014 (October 2013)
Key issues paper:Harnessing the demographic dividend: The future we want for Africa
Youth Pre-Conference Statement on ICPD
Addis Ababa Declaration on Population and Development in Africa beyond 2014

Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean

12 - 14 August 2013

Montevideo, Uruguay

Montevideo Consensus

Regional Conference on Population and Development in the Arab States

24 - 26 June 2013

Cairo, Egypt

Cairo Declaration

Sixth Asian and Pacific Population Conference

16 - 20 September 2013

Bangkok, Thailand

Sixth Asian and Pacific Population Conference Report

Regional ICPD Beyond 2014 conference ends with strong reaffirmation of Cairo principles

02 July 2013
