Join us in ending child marriage

Submitted by zerzan on

Today, one in four young women will be married in childhood. Child marriage is a human rights violation on a vast scale and a major obstacle to sustainable development. Girls are disproportionately affected; levels of child marriage among boys are about one fifth of the levels among girls. Around 750 million girls and women alive today were married in childhood, and unless progress is accelerated, that number will remain at least as high through 2030.


Around the world, over 280,000 women die every year from complications during pregnancy or childbirth. Six United Nations agencies have come together in a joint effort called H4+, to reduce child and maternal mortality rates and ensure that all mothers and children have access to the best possible care to enable them to live healthy, productive lives. 

The H4+ partnership includes UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF, UN Women, WHO and the World Bank.