Accountability for Eliminating Female Genital Mutilation

Submitted by zerzan on

This fact sheet aims to support United Nations Member States and all stakeholders to tailor and target their advocacy efforts within the Universal Periodic Review process towards eliminating female genital mutilation (FGM).

It takes stock, mid-course, of the dimensions of eliminating FGM that are prioritized by Member States through their recommendations at the UPR; assesses the substance of these recommendations in light of strategic programming evidence; and identifies priority actions for leveraging the UPR as a platform for change to eliminate this harmful practice by 2030.

COVID-19: Reporting on gender-based violence during public health crises

Submitted by zerzan on

During a pandemic, lockdowns, curfews and other restrictions on movement are deemed necessary preventative health measures that can save millions of lives. For women and girls, they can also be sources of increased risk of violence and death.

This resouce is a companion to UNFPA's second edition of Reporting on Gender-based Violence in Humanitarian Settings: A Journalist's Handbook.