Maternity hospital burns in Gaza amid ongoing war

“It is full of the smell of death."

The scenes of destruction in Gaza are unimaginable. Maternity wards emptied of patients and destroyed as life-saving maternal health supplies burn.

Pregnant women have nowhere to go to give birth safely.

See the levels of destruction and hear about the impact on pregnant women from Dominic Allen, Representative for UNFPA—the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency—in Palestine on his recent visit to Khan Younis.

Fighting obstetric violence in Brazil with Johnson & Johnson

When she found out she was pregnant, Carolina was afraid to go to the hospital.

She had heard that in Brazil, women of color had been discriminated against and treated violently by healthcare staff.

Thanks to a programme supported by UNFPA and Johnson & Johnson, midwives like Leonor are now trained on how to respect and protect their patients’ reproductive rights.