The political unrest and ongoing volatility in Afghanistan, coupled with the suspension of international donor funding has already had a harmful – and life-threatening – impact on the lives of many women and girls. Nearly 4 million women and adolescent girls, who count on female health and humanitarian workers to meet their unique needs, are in need of urgent assistance. 

Neither religious beliefs nor politics must ever be used to justify curtailment of women’s full participation in all aspects of society. Afghan women and civil society fought hard to claim this right. Now more than ever, they need us in their corner. UNFPA has been on the ground in Afghanistan for over 45 years. We will stay. We will deliver.

Learn more about our work in Afghanistan. 

Read our story on Afghan women's rallying call for support. 


The political unrest and ongoing volatility in Afghanistan, coupled with the suspension of international donor funding has already had a harmful – and life-threatening – impact on the lives of many women and girls. Nearly 4 million women and adolescent girls, who count on female health and humanitarian workers to meet their unique needs, are in need of urgent assistance. 
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