UNFPA Executive Director Dr Natalia Kanem's message on the crisis in Gaza. UNFPA joins the call for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, so that aid can reach those who have been affected by the complete siege of Gaza this October. Among the 2.2 million affected population in Gaza, 1 in 4 are women and girls of reproductive age, around 572,000, and they need urgent access to reproductive health supplies and services.

UNFPA Executive Director Dr Natalia Kanem's message on the crisis in Gaza. UNFPA joins the call for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, so that aid can reach those who have been affected by the complete siege of Gaza this October. Among the 2.2 million affected population in Gaza, 1 in 4 are women and girls of reproductive age, around 572,000, and they need urgent access to reproductive health supplies and services.
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