Consultant: Investigations Branch - Office of Audit and Investigation Services (OAIS) - Call for 2020 opportunity and roster

Submitted by opal on

The Office of Audit and Investigation Services (OAIS), with  is mandated to conduct investigations into all allegations of wrongdoing, committed either by staff (including those of work place and sexual harassment, abuse of authority, and sexual exploitation and abuse), or by independent contractors, implementing partners and other third parties, to the detriment of UNFPA.  The consultant is required to assist with investigations conducted by the Investigations Branch in OAIS.

This call is both for opportunities until 31 December 2020 and for building the roster for future needs.

Roster: Finance Consultant

Submitted by opal on

Finance Branch is creating a roster of local and international consultants for short-term assignments in order to meet peaks in workload, with skills and experience in the areas of (A) financial operations; (B) revenue and donor reporting; (C) inventory accounting and control; and (D) cash transfers to implementing partners. Consultant will report to the head of the respective Finance Branch unit, Chief, Accounts or Chief, Finance Branch.