Submitted by opal on

The Position:

The MHPSS consultant would support the work of the humanitarian office to develop an operational framework with a focus on concrete actions to be taken by UNFPA going forward, building on work being done.  The work will aim to harmonize and foster good practices, and to set limits to ensure that the “Do No Harm” principle is respected in MHPSS programming within GBV and SRH in emergencies. It will include strategies to strengthen UNFPA human resources capacities.

The consultant’s scope of work under MHPSS will cover both SRH and GBV in emergencies programmes. The consultant’s work will explore how existing global and/or UNFPA’s own policies and guidelines link with MHPSS principles/guidance specifically the Minimum Standard on PSS (MS 5) in the Inter-Agency Minimum Standards for GBV In Emergencies Programming and the Minimum Initial Service Package for RH in emergencies (MISP), the Inter-Agency GBV Case Management Guidelines,and the Compact for Young People in Emergencies. Per UNFPA’s mandate, the support will also situate mental health and psychosocial support for women and girls in context informed by an understanding of their experiences of violence and discrimination and their health status.

The overarching deliverables of the MHPSS project are:

(1) Assessment of UNFPA’s current practices and existing programmatic approaches to MHPSS (situating programmatic approaches within the MHPSS pyramid), highlighting best and promising practices, as well as identification of needs/gaps/risks/opportunities;

(2) Development and articulation of a corporate operational framework on integrating MHPSS into GBViE and SRHiE programmes,  unique to UNFPA’s mandate in providing MHPSS support to women, adolescents and young people in humanitarian settings including GBV survivors; 

 (3) Articulate the competencies required for SRH and GBV staff to include MHPSS into SRH, GBV and youth programming in emergency and the necessary capacity building efforts to ensure quality and scale-up.

(4) Contribute to the development of an MHPSS package of training materials and short briefs for corporate capacity strengthening including an internal MHPSS Training Curricula for youth, SRH and GBV surge deployees in collaboration with DHR.

(5) Develop and manage a UNFPA  meeting on MHPSS

How You Can Make a Difference:

UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young’s person potential is fulfilled. UNFPA’s new strategic plan 2018-2021, focuses on three transformative results: to end preventable maternal death; to end unmet need for family planning; end gender-based violence and harmful practices.

In a world where fundamental human rights are at risk, we need principled and ethical staff, who embody these international norms and standards, and who will defend them courageously and with full conviction. UNFPA is seeking candidates that transform, inspire and deliver high impact and sustained results. We need staff who are transparent and exceptional in how they manage the resources entrusted to them and who commit to deliver excellence in programme results.

Job Purpose:

The overall purpose of the Humanitarian Office is to facilitate the delivery of the UNFPA mandate by supporting humanitarian preparedness, response, and recovery actions in increasingly complex humanitarian situations, within globally agreed frameworks (2030 Agenda, Grand Bargain Commitments, Sendai Framework, etc.). The Humanitarian Office leads in leveraging and increasing effectiveness, efficiency and capacity of UNFPA staff and partners to scale up UNFPA’s role as a key global humanitarian actor. Through the Inter-Agency Standing Committee for Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance (IASC) and other associated entities, the Humanitarian Office acts as a point of convergence on humanitarian activities, including policy, coordination, programming, advocacy, field capacity development, resource mobilization, innovation, partnerships, technical guidance and, crucially, thematic integration, ensuring complementarity between humanitarian and development action within the organization.

HO advocates among humanitarian agencies to include sexual and reproductive health and rights needs and sexual and gender-based violence prevention needs and humanitarian concerns of population into the overall humanitarian preparedness and response frameworks. The HO facilitates the development of UNFPA capacities to prepare and respond to the emergencies and to ensure the fund is well equipped to deal with the context of fragility and disaster risk reduction.

You Would Be Responsible for:

A) Strengthen Policy, Advocacy, Evidence-base

  1.  Conduct a literature review of key MHPSS SRH/GBV related documents including policies and study reports to inform the development of MHPSS policy on integrating MHPSS into GBViE and SRHiE programmes.
  2.  Assess and document country implementation of MHPSS interventions through SRH services and GBV prevention and response programming and coordination in relations to existing standards and guidelines.
  3.  Support the organisation of an expert group meeting on MHPSS
  4.  Contribute to the MHPSS in GBViE and SRHiE campaign and the website planned under the project with partners and to the contents including GBViE and SRHiE MHPSS resources, publications, and video content, sharing good practices and relevant knowledge.

B) Strengthening Human Resources

      5.  Contribute to the development of UNFPA Internal MHPSS in GBViE and SRHiE Training Curricula, in collaboration with UNFPA surge management team, for surge deployees and explore opportunities for collaboration with existing relevant mechanisms such as                         The  Netherlands MHPSS surge mechanism.

C) Strengthen Capacity

  1. Building on the 2019 UNFPA case studies developed and published for the Mental Health conference in 2019 in Amsterdam, the consultant will develop an MHPSS in GBViE and SRHiE policy and package of training materials/short guidance briefs (taking into account available guidance), integrating expanded collection of lessons learned from country offices.

Expected Deliverables and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):

By the end of the project, the consultant will provide the following based on the above-mentioned deliverables:

  • Documentation/assessment of country implementation of MHPSS in GBViE and SRH and regional and global initiatives
  • A list of all internal and external MHPSS-related materials, guidelines, resources, and policies.
  • Draft MHPSS in GBViE and SRHiE policy and associated guidance notes.
  • Report from MHPSS expert group meeting in consultation with participants

 Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:    

  • A detailed methodological note specifying clear steps required for carrying out the deliverables
  • Presentations of the meetings/workshops
  • Reporting schedule including the final report

Duration and Travel:       

Assignment is for 9 months full-time.  Travels may occur subject to approval of the head of unit. 

Required Knowledge and Experience

  • At least 5 years of experience in MHPSS in humanitarian settings (with some experience on SRH or GBV)
  • Master’s degree in psychology, social science, public health or related field.
  • Proficiency in English (oral and written) is required


  • Exemplifying integrity
  • Demonstrating commitment to UNFPA and the UN system
  • Embracing cultural diversity
  • Embracing change

Functional Competencies:

  • Excellent knowledge of mental health and psychosocial support in the context of emergencies and humanitarian response 
  • International organisation experience is an asset
  • Knowledge of policy and programme management of MHPSS in SRH and GBV
  • Expertise in the development and delivery of training  
  • Understands and applies a survivor-centred approach, including the GBV Guiding Principles
  • Demonstrates knowledge of a multisectoral response to affected populations, including GBV, SRH and youth programming.
  • Applies promotes and integrates gender and age analysis into humanitarian work and programming
  • Ability to critically analyse data and research papers
  • Ability to collect and interpret information and qualitative data by conducting interviews with relevant persons
  • Ability to organize and lead focus group discussions and expert groups meetings
  • Ability to collect empirical data: design questionnaires and conduct surveys and analysis of the data
  • Ability to process and synthesize information from various sources and compile it into a report that is accessible and useful to various stakeholders

Core Competencies:

  • Achieving results
  • Being accountable
  • Developing and applying professional expertise/business acumen
  • Thinking analytically and strategically
  • Working in teams/managing ourselves and our relationships
  • Communicating for impact.

How to apply:

Interest applicants should send a letter of motivation and a detailed Curriculum Vitae/resume with “MHPSS Consultant” in the subject, to by 19 March 2020


UNFPA does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Fraudulent notices, letters or offers may be submitted to the UNFPA fraud hotline

UNFPA provides a work environment that reflects the values of gender equality, teamwork, Embracing diversity in all its forms, integrity and a healthy balance of work and life. We are committed to maintaining our balanced gender distribution and therefore encourage women to apply. UNFPA promotes equal opportunities for all including persons with disabilities.









Type of contract
Duty Station
New York, USA
Thematic Area
Workflow State
Closing Date