Consultant: Programmatic assessment and evaluation for regional roving team mechanism

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The Evaluation will be formative and provide essential understanding of how the different components of the Regional Roving team and Surge Mechanism have been working together and managed in its different dimensions (across departments as well as across regions and countries). It will also assess the most optimal staffing, operating and reporting structure for both mechanisms and best ability to meet duty of care standards. The assessment will also review progress and main milestones achieved during the pilot of the regional roving team 2020 against the programme deliverables.  A look at how the mechanism was operating before the 2020 pilot is also necessary.

Localisation Consultant

Submitted by opal on

In line with IASC and Grand Bargain commitments, UNFPA is seeking consultancy services to take stock of UNFPA’s implementation of the IASC funding flexibility approach and progress made on cascading quality funding for national and local partners, and make recommendations on advancing the localization agenda in UNFPA including as regards women-led organisations.