Submitted by Gill on

In scaling up its support nationwide to respond to the humanitarian crisis and to support medium to long term resilience interventions, UNFPA on one hand continues to play a key role to respond to the protection needs of women and girls, particularly in ensuring dignity and safety for women and girls and affected population. On the other hand, UNFPA continues to assume the leadership role related the Inter Agency Task Force on Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBVTF) ensuring standards, approaches, tools, interventions, priorities are harmonized, standardized and compliant by all humanitarian actors.  

Under the overall guidance and direct supervision of the UNFPA Head of Office in Lebanon, the humanitarian /GBV Coordinator provides overall (a) support to the coordination, guidance, technical support as co-lead of the GBV Task Force and (b) coordination, advice and oversight for the humanitarian response programme supported by UNFPA Lebanon.   

Job Purpose

As it continues to scale up its support within the Syria humanitarian response, UNFPA in Lebanon is sustaining its operation to cater for the needs of the affected population including Syrian refugees and vulnerable Lebanese.

With regards to the overall coordination of the UNFPA humanitarian response, the incumbent will assist the Country Office (CO) in the planning, coordination and oversight of the humanitarian/resilience related interventions, including provision of overall coordination support related to undertaking of assessments, resource mobilization, integrated programme approach, joint programming, strategic partnerships, interagency coordination, etc. In consultation with the Head of Office, the incumbent will closely work with humanitarian agencies as well as civil society and government counterparts – among other - to coordinate humanitarian/resilient related interventions to affected communities and population – namely Syrian refugees as well as vulnerable Lebanese residing in host communities.  

With regards to the coordination of the SGBV Task Force, the incumbent will support and guide the SGBV TF with technical leadership for effective coordination and efficient implementation of the inter agency GBV sub-sector in Lebanon. The incumbent will co-lead the SGBV TF and actively participate in related national and sub-national coordination mechanisms. He/She will support the conceptualization and development of sub-sector IA programming priorities, approaches and tools and will guide their rapid implementation and monitoring in accordance with the IASC Guidelines for GBV Interventions associated with the humanitarian and resilience contexts nationwide. He/she will also support the generation, analysis and dissemination of related resources, data, and evidence in a manner consistent with the methodology outlined in the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Resources in Humanitarian Action.

He /she will ensure proactive role and contribution in the priority settings as guided by the Government response framework i.e. Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (LCRP) in fulfilling the needs of the population affected by the Syrian crisis. The incumbent will also be guided by the UN Strategic Framework, UNFPA Country Programme 2017-2021 as well as any other relevant frameworks including sectoral ones. 

Advanced University degree in gender studies, development, social sciences, public/community health, or any other discipline as it relates to gender and GBV, development, humanitarian or related field;


Knowledge and Experience: 

• 7 years of increasingly responsible relevant professional experience in programme management and coordination;

• Strong knowledge of gender issues in development and humanitarian contexts, particularly GBV, including relevant international human rights standards and protection issues in humanitarian and post-conflict recovery settings;

• Sound knowledge of reproductive health/HIV, prior training in gender and GBV issues and their application in humanitarian, conflict, recovery and development settings;

• Experience in utilizing the following internationals tools: GBV Standard Operating Procedures; GBV Information Management System; IASC GBV Guidelines; IASC Gender Handbook; GBV Coordination Handbook; WHO Ethical and Safety Recommendations for Researching, Documenting and Monitoring Sexual Violence in Emergencies;

• Field experience in complex emergencies, including humanitarian emergency response and peace and reconciliation;

• Fluency in English. Working knowledge of Arabic and/or French is an asset


Type of contract
Job ID
Duty Station
Beirut, Lebanon
Link to post
Workflow State
Needs Review
Closing Date