Submitted by Khinshein on

Duty Station: Home-based

Closing date: 15 April 2021  (5 pm Yangon time)

Expected starting date of:  May 2021 (as soon as possible)

No. of Working Days for Consultancy Assignment: 60 days (Maximum)



UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled. UNFPA’s strategic plan (2018-2021), focuses on three transformative results: to end preventable maternal deaths; end unmet need for family planning; and end gender-based violence and harmful practices. UNFPA Myanmar Country Office provides cash assistance mainly to facilitate access to referrals for GBV survivors and women and girls requiring obstetric care. Late in 2020, the CO piloted a cash transfer programme for sex workers to respond to vulnerabilities from COVID-19, and plans are underway to conduct research on cash transfers with the World Food Programme. A Cash Working Group is activated in Myanmar and the use of cash is an approach promoted through Myanmar’s 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan. UNFPA has provided support and advice to partners and the Cash Working Group on risks associated with cash, and plans to continue provision of that technical cooperation and support.
In the context of the current political crisis, there is an expectation that vulnerabilities and humanitarian needs will increase. Moreover, given disruptions to public health and
protection services, there is a need to consider referral to the private sector and several concepts for cash and voucher assistance (CVA) are being discussed. The situation is complex as there have also been challenges for all partners to access cash due to disruptions to the financial sector which also add additional complications to cash transfer schemes.
The UNFPA Myanmar country office seeks an international consultant to provide strategic guidance and technical support to strengthen and expand UNFPA’s CVA interventions to support women and girls’ access to sexual and reproductive health and specialized GBV services. It is also expected that the consultant would participate in the Cash Working Group and provide advice and support to mitigate GBV-related risks associated with cash transfer programming in Myanmar. S/he may also provide assistance to advise or represent UNFPA at discussions related to health financing schemes, or at the GBV Coordination Working Group to discuss opportunities to scale up cash assistance for GBV prevention and response.


The Consultant will report directly to Humanitarian Response Specialist, and will also work closely with Humanitarian Analyst, SRHR and GBV Specialists.


● Given the fluid nature of the current complex crisis in Myanmar, it is expected that the scope of work could vary to some degree and expectations will be reviewed on a
regular basis. However, below are some of the key expected activities:
● Review of Myanmar CO current CVA and mapping of opportunities Technical assistance and support to scale-up or strengthen the quality of UNFPA’s CVA for
● Support to advise implementation of the Survivor Fund for PSEA
● Technical guidance on UNFPA’s research with WFP
● CVA design and implementation plan for the CO with detailed operational aspects of CVA as part of the GBV and SRHR programming as agreed with the country office,
including the implementation model and related, concise Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) including data sharing aspects. This should be based on the review
of the existing UNFPA CVA interventions, consultations with personnel and partners and other key stakeholders such as national counterparts as appropriate and
● CVA monitoring plan and questionnaire for use by case managers or other IPs.
● CVA risk analysis including key financial and data protection risk recommendations in line with corporate guidance, tailored to the Myanmar context.
● Technical support provided to the Cash Working Group, SRHR and GBV Coordination
Working Groups to ensure that GBV risks are mitigated in CVA in Myanmar, and to provide technical advice to strengthen CVA for partners delivering cash for SRHR and


The consultant will be home based and will be engaged for a maximum 60 working days during the period until August 2021.


The consultant will work closely with the UNFPA team to review the progress of implementation and any new development to ensure that the consultant’s work plan is
appropriate and strategic over the duration of the consultancy.
The consultant will be expected to submit monthly progress reports.


 Master’s degree in Social Sciences, International Relations, Gender Studies, Development Studies.

Knowledge and Experience

● At least five years of professional experience.
● Demonstrated knowledge and experience in CVA programming and monitoring related to health, protection, gender and/or GBV prevention and response, ideally
having already conducted similar work on CVA.
● Understanding of issues related to confidentiality, data safety/security and other ethical concerns related to GBV sensitive data.
● Experience in strategic analysis and development and writing of SOPs, guidance and reports related to CVA.
● Demonstrated organizational skills, including the ability to work independently and productively, with multiple stakeholders in a fast-paced environment.
● Familiarity with the Myanmar context is desirable.


● Fluency in English is required

Applicants with the required qualifications and experience should submit the application with the UN P11 form
(, completed and signed by the applicant along with the education certificates and the names and contact
information of three references.

Applications should be addressed to:
Attention: International Operations Manager,
Room A07, UNFPA, No.6, Natmauk Road, Yangon
UNFPA reserves the right to offer comparable assignment to those qualified candidates that may not have been selected for this consultancy assignment which they applied for. These offers will be based on the needs of the organization, appropriateness and relevance to the candidate’s educational backgrounds and work experience. Only those candidates in whose qualifications and experience the Office has further interest will be contacted for subsequent interviews.
(i) This vacancy is open to applicants of either sex.
(ii) UNFPA does not solicit or screen for information in respect of HIV or AIDS and does not discriminate on the basis of HIV/AIDS status.
(iii) UNFPA regrets its inability to reply individually or to attend to telephone queries on the above advertised post

Type of contract
Duty Station
Workflow State
Needs Review
Closing Date