Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Job Summary

UNFPA has committed to scale up its humanitarian response and increase organizational capacity with a focus on preventing and responding to gender-based violence and addressing sexual and reproductive health needs in emergencies. To support this organizational need, the development of a Global Emergency Roster will ensure UNFPA has access to a pool of qualified individuals to deploy for short-term emergency assignments (up to three months for internal staff and up to six months for non-staff). UNFPA invites suitable, interested and available personnel (staff members and current UNFPA consultant contract holders), as well as, qualified independent humanitarian professionals to apply for registration in the Global Emergency Roster.

GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE IN EMERGENCIES (there is no need to specify specific profile within the area of GBViE with application):

  • GBV PROGRAMME SPECIALIST: Oversees the implementation of UNFPA’s GBV programming in a humanitarian emergency. UNFPA GBV programming in humanitarian emergencies is multi-sectoral and involves implementing partners and other stakeholders from the affected communities, such as NGO and government, UN agencies, and other national and international organizations that engage in comprehensive prevention and response initiatives in line with a survivor-centred approach.
  • GBV INTERAGENCY COORDINATOR: Coordinates prevention and response interventions within the humanitarian architecture coordination mechanisms, such as GBV Sub-Sector/Cluster and GBV working groups. The GBV Coordinator is an interagency functional area led by UNFPA and represents all GBV actors to promote an efficient and coordinated response. In addition, the role advocates for GBV within the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), supports mainstreaming GBV in other sectors, and promotes resource mobilisation for the GBV community in country.
  • GBV INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OFFICER: Maintains, strengthens, leads and manages the GBV Sub-Cluster/Sub-Sector Information Management function in line with the Humanitarian Program Cycle: engaging in robust analyses of available secondary data; consolidating existing assessments and findings; promoting assessments on the GBV situation and/or work with relevant agencies, support GBV data collection and dissemination in a safe and ethical way; and mapping current information available at country level. 

Qualifications and Experience

  • Demonstrate understanding of survivor-centred approach.
  • Excellent communication skills and demonstrated ability to work as part of a team, with team members based in other countries/organizations.
  • Able to work effectively in a multi-cultural environment and under pressure.
  • Able to work with different stakeholders from government institutions, international organizations, academia and NGOs, and the affected communities.
  • Proven expertise in relevant areas such as preventing and responding to gender-based violence, protection, gender equality and women’s empowerment.   
  • Proficiency in English. Depending on the duty station, another UN language such as French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese or Russian may be required.
Type of contract
Job ID
Duty Station
Multiple Locations
Link to post
Workflow State
Needs Review
Closing Date