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ISTANBUL – Decision-makers and government officials from 20 countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia have pledged to step up the fight against needless deaths and suffering resulting from pregnancy and childbirth.

In a Statement of Commitment issued in Istanbul late last night, delegates to a high-level meeting recognized that investment in the health and rights of women is smart economics, especially during a financial crisis, and that family planning is one of the most cost-effective investments in reducing the maternal deaths that continue to affect the region.

“The good news is that maternal mortality has been reduced by half in this region. The bad news is that every day women still die needlessly giving life, and that this is too many,” said Thea Fierens, Regional Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia for UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund.

“Women who are poor, young, migrants, refugees and those living in remote rural areas do not have sufficient access to much-needed sexual and reproductive health services,” said Ms. Fierens at the opening of a regional high-level meeting on maternal health and universal access to reproductive health.

The meeting discussed the challenges governments in the region still face as they try to implement the goals set for the world’s development, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). MDG5, to improve maternal health, aims to cut maternal deaths by 75 per cent and achieve universal access to reproductive health by 2015. It is the goal lagging behind the most.

UNFPA today highlighted these challenges in a progress report which shows a number of contrasts in the region:

• In the past ten years, maternal mortality has fallen by half, from 51 per 100,000 live births to 24. However, vulnerable groups still aren’t being reached and many women die or suffer from complications while giving birth.

• In the last 15 years, the number of induced abortions have dropped from 1,049 per 1,000 live births to 493, and contraceptive use by women has increased. Yet the region still has one of the highest abortion rates in the world.

• In many countries in the region, there is limited access to modern contraception and other reproductive health commodities.

• While antenatal coverage and skilled birth assistance is widespread, countries face variations depending on whether women live in rural areas, their level of education, their age or socio-economic status.

“Investing in access to voluntary family planning and modern contraception is one of the most cost-effective ways for countries to make progress and move towards achievement of the MDGs,” said Ms. Fierens. “Proper access to contraceptives not only saves lives, reduces the number of abortions and promotes equality, it is also a cost-effective investment and sound economics.”

A two-day expert forum begins today to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). It will examine the challenges countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia face in implementing the ICPD’s Programme of Action, and will also discuss progress made since 1994. 

Contact Information:

Leyla Alyanak 
Tel: +41 79 687 6056

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Family Planning Most Cost Effective Solution, Experts Say
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<p>ISTANBUL – Decision-makers and government officials from 20 countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia have pledged to step up the fight against needless deaths and suffering resulting from pregnancy and childbirth.</p>
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