Submitted by zerzan on

The resurgence of violence in July and August resulted in increased inflow of civilians into Protection of Civilian (POC) sites, particularly in Juba and Wau. The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported that there are now 197,000 internally-displaced population (IDP) seeking shelter in UN protected sites across South Sudan. At the UN House POC site in Juba, the number of IDPs has reached 37,200 following the fighting between government and opposition forces.

Some 78 health facilities have been damaged across the country and among those forced to flee by the violence were health workers, the World Health Organization (WHO) said. The conflict has hindered movement of civilians, affecting their access to health services. The dire situation increases risks of maternal mortality for pregnant women, as well as protection issues for women and girls in general.

UNFPA has delivered emergency reproductive health kits and other supplies to various partners for Central Equatorial, Upper Nile region, including Maban County, Cueibet State, Yei, Nimule, Aweil and Bentiu.

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The resurgence of violence in July and August resulted in increased inflow of civilians into Protection of Civilian (POC) sites, particularly in Juba and Wau. The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported that there are now 197,000 internally-displaced population (IDP) seeking shelter in UN protected sites across South Sudan. At the UN House POC site in Juba, the number of IDPs has reached 37,200 following the fighting between government and opposition forces.
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