Sessions and Informals

Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS: Annual Session 2019

to Friday, June 7, 2019 - 18:00
UN Headquarters, ECOSOC Chamber

Item 1 - Organizational Matters

Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and workplan (DP/2019/L.2)
Report of the first regular session 2019 (DP/2019/8)

Item 9 - Annual Report of the Executive Director

Implementation of the UNFPA Strategic Plan, 2018-2021: Report of the Executive Director (DP/FPA/2019/4, Part. I)
Annex 1: Integrated results and resources framework
Annex 2: Results achieved at the country level, 2018 (e-annex)
Annex 3: Results in humanitarian and fragile contexts, 2018
Annex 4: UNFPA engagement of faith-based and religious actors, 2018
Annex 5: Results achieved through South-South and triangular cooperation
Annex 6: Implementation of global and regional interventions, 2018
Annex 7: Implementation of General Assembly resolution 71/243 on the quadrennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations System
Annex 8: Implementation of the common chapter of the Strategic Plan, 2018
Statistical and financial review, 2018 (DP/FPA/2019/4, Part I, Add.1)
Annexes 1 - 3: Annexes to the Statistical and Financial Review 2018
Report on the recommendations of the Joint Inspection Unit in 2018 (DP/FPA/2019/4, Part II)

Item 10 - Evaluation

Annual report on the evaluation function, 2018: Report of the Director, Evaluation Office (DP/FPA/2019/5)
Annex 1: Quality of Evaluations
Annex 2: 2018 Decentralized Programme Level Evaluations
Annex 3: Revised Quadrennial Budget Evaluation Plan 2018-2021 Centralized evaluations
Management response to the annual report on the evaluation function, 2018: Report of the Director, Evaluation Office (DP/FPA/2019/CRP.5)
Evaluation of the UNFPA response to the Syria crisis (DP/FPA/2019/CRP.3)
Management response to the evaluation of the UNFPA response to the Syria crisis (DP/FPA/2019/CRP.4)

Item 12 - Report of Ethics Office

Report of the Ethics Office 2018 (DP/FPA/2019/7)
Independent review of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS policies and procedures to tackle sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment (DP/FPA/OPS/2019/1)
Joint UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS management response to the review of the policies and procedures to tackle sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment (DP/FPA/OPS/2019/2)
UNFPA PSEA certification 2019
Management Response to the 2018 Ethics annual report (DP/FPA/2019/7)

Item 13 - Internal Audit and Oversight

Report of the Office of Audit and Investigation Services on UNFPA internal audit and investigation activities in 2018 (DP/FPA/2019/6)
Annex 1: OAIS Charter
Annexes 2 - 7: Annexes to the OAIS report 2018
Opinion on the adequacy and effectiveness of the UNFPA framework of governance, risk management and control (DP/FPA/2019/6/Add.1)
Annual report of the UNFPA Oversight Advisory Committee (DP/FPA/2019/6/Add.2)
Management response to the OAIS and OAC reports for 2018 (DP/FPA/2019/CRP.6)

Item 14 - Update on implementation of General Assembly resolution 72/279 on the repositioning of the United Nations development system

Information note on implementation of General Assembly Resolution 72/279

Item 15 - Working methods of the Executive Board

Written account of the Core Group on Working Methods of the Executive Boards of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, UNICEF, UN-Women and WFP
Annex to the written account on the Executive Board working methods