Sessions and Informals

Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS: Second regular session 2020

to Friday, September 4, 2020 - 18:00
Remote Access

To download all the UNFPA first regular session 2020 documents in their entirety, please click here

Tentative Workplan Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS second regular session 2020

Item 1: Organizational matters

Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and workplan (DP/2020/L.3)
Report of the annual session 2020 (DP/2020/18)

Item 2: Internal audit and investigation

Report of the Office of Audit and Investigation Services on UNFPA internal audit and investigation activities in 2019 (DP/FPA/2020/6)
Annex 1: OAIS Charter
Annexes 2-7: OAIS EB Report 2019
Opinion on the adequacy and effectiveness of the UNFPA framework of governance, risk management and control (DP/FPA/2020/6/Add.1)
UNFPA Annual report of the Oversight Advisory Committee (DP/FPA/2020/6/Add.2)
Management response to OAIS and OAC reports (DP/FPA/2020/CRP.6)

Item 3: Ethics

Report of the Ethics Office 2019 (DP/FPA/2020/7)
Management response to the Ethics Office report 2019 (DP.FPA.2020/CRP.7)


Item 5: Financial, budgetary and administrative matters

Joint comprehensive proposal on the cost-recovery policy (DP/FPA/ICEF/UNW/2020/1)

Item 6: Working methods of the Executive Board

Working Methods of the Executive Boards: Proposed Workplans for 2021

Item 12: Structured funding dialogue

Report on the structured funding dialogue 2019-2020 (DP/FPA/2020/9)
Annnexes- Funding compact, UNFPA agency-specific reporting 2019

Item 13: Evaluation

Annual report of the evaluation function 2019 (DP/FPA/2020/3)
Annex 1: Transitional quadrennial budgeted evaluation plan, 2020-2023
Annex 2: Quality assessment of evaluations (2019)
Management response to the annual report (DP/FPA/2020/CRP.3)
Evaluation of the UNFPA capacity to respond to humanitarian crises (DP/FPA/2020/CRP.4)
Management response to the evaluation of the UNFPA capacity to respond to humanitarian crises (DP/FPA/2020/CRP.5)

Item 14 : Country programmes and related matters

Belarus CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/BLR/3)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Draft CPD
Member State Comments
Bosnia and Herzegovina CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/BIH/3)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Draft CPD
Member State Comments
China Corrigendum
Extension document
Colombia CPD [2021-2024] (DP/FPA/CPD/COL/7)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Draft CPD
Indonesia CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/IDN/10)
Indonesia Corrigendum
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Draft Indonesia CPD (DP/FPA/CPD/IDN/10)
Kazakhastan CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/KAZ/5)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Draft CPD
Member State Comments
Serbia CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/SRB/2)
Addendum. Results and resources framework for Kosovo* (*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) (DP/FPA/CPD/SRB/2/Add.1)
Costed Evaluation Plan
Country Programme Performance Summary
Country Programme Evaluation
Draft CPD
Member State Comments
Turkmenistan CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/TKM/5)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Draft CPD
Member State Comments
Timor-Leste CPD [2021-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/TLS/4)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Draft CPD
Member State Comments
Türkiye CPD [2021- 2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/TUR/7)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Draft CPD
Member State Comments
CPE Algeria [2021] (DP/FPA/2020/10)
CPE Burkina Faso [2021-2022] (DP/FPA/2020/10)
CPE Cameroon [2021] (DP/FPA/2020/10)
CPE El Salvador [2021] (DP/FPA/2020/10)
CPE Lebanon [2021] (DP/FPA/2020/10)
CPE Libya [2021] (DP/FPA/2020/10)
CPE Madagascar [2020-2021] (DP/FPA/2020/10)
CPE Mozambique [2021] (DP/FPA/2020/10)
CPE Tajikistan [2021] (DP/FPA/2020/10)
CPE Yemen [2020-2021] (DP/FPA/2020/10)
CPE Zambia [2021] (DP/FPA/2020/10)
CPE Zimbabwe [2021] (DP/FPA/2020/10)

Item 15: Other Matters

JMB report 2020
Update on the implementation of General Assembly resolution 72/279 on the repositioning of the United Nations development system
Update on UNFPA response to COVID-19 and strategic, programmatic and operational level impacts