Pregnant woman stuck under rubble in Gaza shares heartbreaking story

“They bombed the house next to us. I was under the rubble and couldn’t move,” says Islam, who was pregnant and 10 days from her due date when her home in Gaza was destroyed by relentless bombardment.

Listen to her tell her heartbreaking story and see how UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, is responding to this humanitarian crisis. 

Learn more.

Doctor at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza pleads for help

“We had to perform a premature delivery from a mother’s womb while she was dying.”

Dr. Nasser Bulbul, Head of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, spoke candidly to us about the extreme suffering of pregnant women and orphaned infants living in a state of fear and terror as the bombardment intensifies.

See how UNFPA—the UnitedNations sexual and reproductive health agency—is responding and join our call for a humanitarian ceasefire.

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Humanitarian Needs in Gaza

UNFPA Executive Director Dr Natalia Kanem's message on the crisis in Gaza. UNFPA joins the call for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, so that aid can reach those who have been affected by the complete siege of Gaza this October. Among the 2.2 million affected population in Gaza, 1 in 4 are women and girls of reproductive age, around 572,000, and they need urgent access to reproductive health supplies and services.

Situation Report for Ethiopia, Tigray Crisis

Submitted by chaiban on

UNFPA is currently resuming humanitarian operations, including the replenishment of medical stock and redeployment of staff across the region. UNFPA’s Preparedness and Response Plan for the Tigray crisis focuses on preventing and responding to gender-based violence, and bridging protection, gender equality and MHPSS, while building back capacity on sexual and reproductive health and rights in the conflict-affected regions in Northern Ethiopia.