Sessions and Informals

Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS: Second regular session 2021

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Please note that the following documents are advance copies subject to change in the final versions. Once the documents are issued in the official languages, the final language versions are made available on the Official Document System of the United Nations (ODS).  

Decisions adopted by the Executive Board during 2021 (DP/2022/2)

Decisions adopted by the Executive Board during 2021 (DP/2022/2)

Tentative workplan for the second regular session 2021

Tentative workplan second regular session 2021

Item 1: Organizational matters

Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and workplan (DP/2021/L.3)
Report of the annual session 2021 (DP/2021/26)
Tentative workplan second regular session 2021
Annual workplan 2022 of the Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS (DP/2022/CRP.2)

Item 6: UNFPA strategic plan, 2022-2025

UNFPA strategic plan, 2022-2025 (DP/FPA/2021/8)
Annex 1: Integrated results and resources framework
Annex 2: “Change stories” to accelerate the achievement of the three transformative results
Annex 3: Business model
Annex 4.1: Global and regional programmes : Rationale
Annex 4.2: Global and regional programmes : Global programme (2022-2025)
Annex 4.3: Global and regional programmes : Arab States regional programme (2022-2025)
Annex 4.4: Global and regional programmes : Asia and the Pacific regional programme (2022-2025)
Annex 4.5: Global and regional programmes : Eastern Europe and Central Asia regional programme (2022-2025)
Annex 4.6: Global and regional programmes : East and Southern Africa regional programme (2022-2025)
Annex 4.7: Global and regional programmes : West and Central Africa regional programme (2022-2025)
Annex 4.8: Global and regional programmes : Latin America and the Caribbean regional programme (2022-2025)
Decisions adopted by the Executive Board during 2021 (DP/2022/2)

Item 7: UNFPA integrated budget, 2022-2025

UNFPA integrated budget, 2022-2025 (DP/FPA/2021/9)
Annex 1: Additional information on financials and posts related to the UNFPA integrated budget, 2022-2025
Annex 2: Cost recovery detailed information based on the current cost recovery methodology
Annex 3: UNFPA responses to ACABQ recommendations made in its report on the midterm review of the UNFPA integrated budget, 2018-2021 (DP/FPA/2020/8)
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions on the UNFPA integrated budget, 2022-2025

Item 8: UNFPA structured funding dialogue

Report on the structured funding dialogue, 2020-2021 (DP/FPA/2021/10)
Annex 1: Funding compact, UNFPA agency-specific reporting 2020

Item 9: UNFPA country programmes and related matters

Albania CPD [2022-2026] (DP/FPA/CPD/ALB/5)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Draft CPD Albania [2022-2026] (DP/FPA/CPD/ALB/5)
Bangladesh CPD [2022-2026] (DP/FPA/CPD/BGD/10)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Comments and response from Member States
Draft CPD Bangladesh [2022-2026] (DP/FPA/CPD/BGD/10)
Botswana CPD [2022-2026] (DP/FPA/CPD/BWA/7)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme evaluation (assessment) (CPE)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Comments and response from Member States
Draft CPD Botswana [2022-2026] (DP/FPA/CPD/BWA/7)
Comoros CPD [2022-2026] (DP/FPA/CPD/COM/7)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Draft CPD Comoros [2022-2026] (DP/FPA/CPD/COM/7)
Guatemala CPD [2022-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/GTM/8)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Comments and response from Member States
Draft CPD Guatemala [2022-2025] (DP/FPA/CPD/GTM/8)
Lao People’s Democratic Republic CPD [2022-2026] (DP/FPA/CPD/LAO/7)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Comments and response from Member States
Draft CPD Lao People’s Democratic Republic [2022-2026] (DP/FPA/CPD/LAO/7)
Madagascar CPD [2022-2026] (DP/FPA/CPD/MDG/8)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Comments and response from Member States
Draft CPD Madagascar [2022-2026] (DP/FPA/CPD/MDG/8)
Zimbabwe CPD [2022-2026] (DP/FPA/CPD/ZWE/8)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Comments and response from Member States
Draft CPD Zimbabwe [2022-2026] (DP/FPA/CPD/ZWE/8)
Central African Republic CP extension [2022] (DP/FPA/2021/11)
Chad CP extension [2022] (DP/FPA/2021/11)
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea CP extension [2022] (DP/FPA/2021/11)
Gambia CP extension [2022] (DP/FPA/2021/11)
Iran CP extension [2022] (DP/FPA/2021/11)
Lebanon CP extension [2022] (DP/FPA/2021/11)
Libya CP extension [2022] (DP/FPA/2021/11)
Mongolia CP extension [2022] (DP/FPA/2021/11)
Morocco CP extension [2022] (DP/FPA/2021/11)
Niger CP extension [2022] (DP/FPA/2021/11)
Sao Tome and Principe CP extension [2022] (DP/FPA/2021/11)
South Sudan CP extension [2022] (DP/FPA/2021/11)
Sudan CP extension [2022] (DP/FPA/2021/11)
Tajikistan CP extension [2022] (DP/FPA/2021/11)
Zambia CP extension [2022] (DP/FPA/2021/11)

Sessions and Informals

First regular session 2020 of the Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS

UN Headquarters, ECOSOC Chamber

Tentative workplan

Tentative workplan first regular session 2020

Item 1 : Organizational matters

Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and workplan (DP/2020/L.1)
Annual workplan of the Executive Board for 2020 (DP/2020/CRP.1)
Report of second regular session 2019 (DP/2020/1)
Decisions adopted by the Executive Board during 2019 (DP/2020/2)

Item 2 : Recommendations of the Board of Auditors

Report on the implementation of the recommendations of the United Nations Board of Auditors, 2018 (DP/FPA/2020/1)
Recommendation implementation summary (2019)
Financial report and audited financial statements (2018) report of the Board of Auditors

Item 3 : Financial budget and administrative matters

Joint preliminary comprehensive proposal on the cost recovery policy (DP/FPA-ICEF-UNW/2020/CRP.1)

Item 4 : EB working methods

Working methods of the Executive Boards of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, UNICEF, UN-Women and WFP Joint response of the Executive Board Secretariats
Executive Board field visit guidelines (DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF-UNW-WFP/2020/CRP.1)

Item 6 : Evaluation

Developmental evaluation of results-based management at UNFPA (DP/FPA/2020/CRP.1)
UNFPA management response to development evaluation of results-based management (DP/FPA/2020/CRP.2)

Item 7 : UNFPA country programmes and related matters

CPD CUBA [2020-2024] (DP/FPA/CPD/CUB/9)
Costed evaluation plan (CPE)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
CUBA - draft CPD
Comments from Member States
CPD Dem Rep Congo [2020-2024] (DP/FPA/CPD/COD/5)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
DRC - draft CPD
Comments from Member States
CPD IRAQ [2020-2024] (DP/FPA/CPD/IRQ/3)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
IRAQ - draft CPD
Comments from Member States
CPD MALI [2020-2024] (DP/FPA/CPD/MLI/8)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
MALI - draft CPD
Comments from Member States
CPD Paraguay [2020-2024] (DP/FPA/CPD/PRY/8)
Costed evaluation plan (CEP)
Country programme performance summary (CPPS)
Country programme evaluation (CPE)
CPE COLOMBIA [2020] (DP/FPA/2020/2)
CPE SOUTH AFRICA [2020] (DP/FPA/2020/2)

Item 8 : Other matters

Information note on implementation of General Assembly Resolution 72/279

Sessions and Informals

Second regular session 2019 of the Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS

UN Headquarters, ECOSOC Chamber

Tentative Workplan

Tentative workplan second regular session 2019

Item 1 - Organizational matters

Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and workplan (DP/2019/L.3)
Report of the annual session 2019 (DP/2019/24)
Annual workplan of the Executive Board for 2020 (DP/2020/CRP.1)

Item 5 - UNFPA Structured Funding Dialogue

Report on the UNFPA Structured Funding Dialogue 2018-2019 (DP/FPA/2019/8)
Annex 1: UN funding compact- progress-against entity-specific commitments UNFPA 2018-2019

Item 6 - UNFPA country programmes and related matters

CPD Angola [2020-2022] (DP/FPA/CPD/AGO/8)
Angola CEP
Angola CPPS
Angola CPE
CPD Congo [2020-2024] (DP/FPA/CPD/COG/6)
Congo CEP
Congo CPPS
Congo CPE
CPD Liberia [2020-2024] (DP/FPA/CPD/LBR/5)
Liberia CEP
Liberia CPPS
Liberia CPE
CPD Mexico [2020-2024] (DP/FPA/CPD/MEX/7)
Mexico CEP
Mexico CPPS
Mexico CPE
CPD Sierra Leone [2020-2023] (DP/FPA/CPD/SLE/7)
Sierra Leone CEP
Sierra Leone CPPS
Sierra Leone CPE
CPE Timor Leste [2020] (DP/FPA/2019/9)

Item 8 - Financial, budgetary and administrative matters

Joint review of the existing cost definitions and classifications of activities and associated costs (DP/FPA-ICEF-UNW/2019/1)
Report of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS on joint procurement activities (DP/FPA/OPS/2019/3)

Item 9 - Follow-up to UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board meetings

Report on the implementation of decisions and recommendations of the Programme Coordinating Board of UNAIDS (DP/2019/30-DP/FPA/2019/10)

Item 10- Update on implementation of General Assembly resolution 72/279 on the repositioning of the United Nations development system

Implementation of General Assembly resolution 72/279 on the repositioning of the United Nations development system
Annex: mapping of regional assets and capacities

Item 11- EB working methods

Joint response by the secretariats of the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, UNICEF and UN-Women on the working methods of the Executive Boards

Item 12 - Field visits

Report of the joint field visit to Colombia

Item 13- Other matters