UNFPA Website Policy

Submitted by nicole on

The UNFPA website policy secures UNFPA's online presence and reinforces the UNFPA brand. It guarantees all externally facing websites or applications are fully integrated into the UNFPA Online Communications Platform. It ensures all UNFPA domains have consistent names and are registered and that all UNFPA externally facing web content adheres to UNFPA guidelines.

UNFPA Public Information and Communications Policy

Submitted by nicole on

The UNFPA Public Information and Communications Policy ensures UNFPA speaks with one voice and is clear, consistent and unified in its external communications. It projects and protects the UNFPA brand as a thought leader and catalyst for action. It also helps protect the reputation and integrity of the UNFPA and the United Nations as a whole.

UNFPA Social Media Policy

Submitted by nicole on

The UNFPA Social Media Policy encourages UNFPA personnel to use social media to communicate, and to help them do so with confidence. It ensures the organization speaks with one voice in the digital realm by streamlining the organization's social media activities and reinforcing its brand through consistent messaging, graphics and images. 

Policy and Procedures for Preparation, Management and Monitoring of Workplans

Submitted by nicole on

The Policy and Procedures for Preparation, Management and Monitoring of Workplans outlines how workplans are developed, approved, implemented, and monitored. The policy includes information related to workplan design, budgeting, revisions, suspension and termination,closure information, programme cycles, programmatic (workplan progress reports) and financial monitoring (FACE forms) reports. 

UNFPA Oversight Policy

Submitted by nicole on

UNFPA Oversight Policy - January 2015

The oversight policy aims to encourage good governance, create the necessary environment of accountability and transparency in UNFPA and ensure that UNFPA operates effectively and efficiently while continuously improving its performance.

UNFPA Oversight Policy: How all roles are articulated - August 2014

Graphic depiction of how all roles are articulated in the UNFPA Oversight Policy.