Sexual and Reproductive Health & HIV/AIDS
This framework proposes a set of key policy and programme actions to strengthen linkages between sexual and reproductive health care and HIV and AIDS programming. These linkages should work in both directions, by integrating HIV issues into ongoing sexual and reproductive health, and vice versa. The aim is to strengthen programming, reduce duplication of efforts, and make it easier for women and men to access comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care.
Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS
This Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS represents a consensus of Heads of State and Government and leaders from all parts of the world at the end of the General Assembly’s High-Level review on AIDS in June 2006. The 53-paragraph document commits them to pursuing all necessary efforts to scale up national responses to achieve universal access to comprehensive prevention programmes, treatment, care and support in slightly more than forty months.
Investing in People -- A Summary
A summary of the Global Survey that includes responses from 169 countries on the measures they have taken to implement the Cairo Programme of Action in the fields of population and development, gender equality, women's empowerment, reproductive rights and health and HIV/AIDS.
Change, Choice and Power: Young Women, Livelihoods and HIV Prevention
The urgency of addressing the vulnerability of young women and adolescent girls of all backgrounds, but particularly the poor, cannot be over stated. Innovative, far-reaching and rapid responses are needed to impact whole generations so that the Millennium Development Goals to reduce poverty can be within reach. This paper sets out to explore the relationship between economic independence, vulnerability to HIV infection, the level of sexual and reproductive health among women and adolescent girls, and gender-based violence.