FTA and CA: Staffing
Overall procedures related to selection of staff on fixed-term appointments and continuing appointments.
FTA and CA: Annex I: Guidelines for Selection P, GS, at HQ
Specific additional guidelines outlining the procedure for the selection of staff for posts in the professional and higher categories at field duty stations and at headquarters (other than in international rotational posts) and for posts in the general service category at headquarters.for the advertisement and selection of staff for posts in the professional and higher categories at field duty stations and at headquarters and procedures for posts in the general service category at headquarters.
FTA and CA: Annex II: Selection and Reassignment Process for International Rotational Posts
Specific additional guidelines for outlining the procedure for selection of staff in the professional and higher categories in rotational posts within UNFPA, and for the reassignment of candidates from one rotational post to another.
FTA and CA: Annex III: Guidelines for Selection NO, GS Field
Specific additional guidelines outlining the procedure for selection of staff in posts in the national officers category and in the general service category at field duty stations.
FTA and CA: Annex IV: HQ- CRB Rules of Procedure
Terms of reference, scope, composition and procedure, and recommendations of the Compliance Review Board (CRB) at headquarters. The CRB reviews selection recommendations for posts in the Professional and higher categories up to D-1, as well as for General Service posts at headquarters.
FTA and CA: Annex V: Field- CRB Rules of Procedure
Terms of reference, scope, composition and procedure, and recommendations of the Compliance Review Board at field duty stations. The CRB reviews selection recommendations for posts in the national officer category, as well as for general service posts in field duty stations.
FTA and CA: Annex VI: Guidelines on Recruitment for FTA
Policy regulating all related requirements associated with selection of a person for a Fixed-Term Appointments (FTA) in all categories.
Policy on Personnel: Fixed Term and Continuing Appointments: Other Conditions and Procedures
Policies and procedures that apply to FTA and CTAs and that are not covered in the guidelines for recruitment.
Policy on Personnel: Annex I - Inter-Organization Agreement Concerning Transfer, Secondment or Loan of Staff Among the Organizations Applying the United Nations Common System of Salaries and Allowances
Conditions which apply to an agreement between UN organizations concerning the rights of a staff member of one organization, who is transferred, seconded or loaned to another organization, and the rights and liabilities of the two organizations concerned.
Policy on Personnel: Temporary Appointments (TA): Staffing
Policy outlining all requirements, procedures and processes for the recruitment of Temporary Appointments (TAs).
Policy on Personnel: Annex I: Guidelines for selection P, GS-HQ under Temporary Appointments (TA)
Guidelines for the advertisement and selection of staff for positions in the professional and higher categories at field duty stations and at headquarters and procedures for positions in the general service category at headquarters under temporary appointments.
Policy on Personnel: Annex II: Guidelines for Selection of NO, GS-field under Temporary Appointments (TA)
Guidelines for advertisement and selection of staff for posts in the national officers category and positions in the general service category at field duty stations under temporary appointments.
Policy on Personnel: Separation from Service
This document contains the policy and procedures for the implementation of Article IX of the United Nations Staff Regulations and Chapter IX of the Staff Rules on separation from service, applicable to all UNFPA staff members.
Policy for Inter-organization Mobility
This policy establishes the modalities and conditions for the movement of a UNFPA staff member within the United Nations common system.