Accounts Associate, G-7, Revenue Unit, Finance Branch, Division for Management Services

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The Finance Associate supports the operationalization and continuous improvement of the UNFPA Policy and Procedures on Revenue Management. This includes (i) preparation of information for financial reports to external and governing bodies and, external parties, preparation of donor certified financial reports, and provision of accounting, monitoring and support services to FOs and HQ units. The Finance Associate coordinates closely its activities with the RMB on operational aspects of revenue management, including the submissions of certified reports.

Finance Associate, G-7, Statutory Reporting Unit (SRU), Finance Branch, Division for Management Service

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This Finance Associate position is located within the Statutory Reporting Unit (SRU) of the Finance Branch, Division for Management Services (DMS) and will report directly to the head of the SRU under the overall supervision of the Chief, Finance Branch. Under the overall supervision of the head of the SRU, the Finance Associate supports the continuous improvement for the operationalization of the IPSAS environment at UNFPA by monitoring the implementation of the Policy and Procedures on Management of Programme Supplies, supports the development of UNFPA’s inventory management systems as part of the ICTX project, contributes to accounts closure activities and preparation of the statutory financial reports, and supports initiatives to improve internal controls.

Budget Associate, Resource Planning and Budgeting Branch, Division for Management Services

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The Resource Planning and Budgeting Branch is responsible for preparing, coordinating and managing the organization’s Integrated Budget. The Branch plays a key role in the distribution and management of financial resources and the monitoring of expenditures.

In direct support of UNFPA's Programme and Management, ensures proper and effective preparation, management and implementation of the Integrated Budget, effective and efficient management of the budgetary allotments, through the following areas of activities:

Budget planning and formulation
Budget implementation, monitoring, oversight and control
Advisory support, knowledge management and capacity building, technical guidance
Design and preparation of reports and analysis on budgetary performance