
Donor rankings include UN-to-UN transfers, which are UNFPA's top source of revenue overall.


Effective 1 January 2022, UNFPA adopted a new revenue recognition policy; however, for the purposes of this website, information is presented based on previous policy to allow comparability of information across different years.

2023 | Top
Donor Global Statistics

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Statement by UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem at the closing ceremony of the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25.

Excellencies, distinguished participants, dear friends:

What an incredible three…

14 November 2019 Read Story
BHAMO, Myanmar – “My job is to help these boys and girls steer their dreams in the right direction for their future.” Mung Do, 25, is a youth leader at the UNFPA-supported Woi Chyai Youth Centre in Woi Chyai in Kachin…
21 October 2019 Read Story
Maguindanao, Philippines – Suraida Taguy, 30, was nine months pregnant in July, when conflict displaced her and her family from their village in Maguindanao Province in the southern Philippines. When she went into…
29 August 2019 Read Story