Republic of Korea

Donor rankings include UN-to-UN transfers, which are UNFPA's top source of revenue overall.


Effective 1 January 2022, UNFPA adopted a new revenue recognition policy; however, for the purposes of this website, information is presented based on previous policy to allow comparability of information across different years.

2023 | Top
Donor Global Statistics

News & Updates

BARIADI, United Republic of Tanzania – Midwife Nuriat Koku Mtumbi remembers the day in March well: “It was raining heavily and Adimu* had delivered her baby on her way to our facility. “She was shielding herself under a…
22 May 2020 Read Story
UNFPA will be able to continue responding to sexual and reproductive health needs when crises erupt thanks to $1 million in new financing by the Republic of Korea to the Humanitarian Thematic Action Fund (HTF). The…
29 November 2019 Read Story
A new partnership with the Republic of Korea and UNDP is giving a boost to UNFPA’s work to support young innovators in Rwanda who are devising and launching ingenious new ways to deliver youth-friendly information on…
26 July 2019 Read Story

New Zealand

Donor rankings include UN-to-UN transfers, which are UNFPA's top source of revenue overall.


Effective 1 January 2022, UNFPA adopted a new revenue recognition policy; however, for the purposes of this website, information is presented based on previous policy to allow comparability of information across different years.

2023 | Top
Donor Global Statistics


Donor rankings include UN-to-UN transfers, which are UNFPA's top source of revenue overall.


Effective 1 January 2022, UNFPA adopted a new revenue recognition policy; however, for the purposes of this website, information is presented based on previous policy to allow comparability of information across different years.

2023 | Top
Donor Global Statistics


Donor rankings include UN-to-UN transfers, which are UNFPA's top source of revenue overall.


Effective 1 January 2022, UNFPA adopted a new revenue recognition policy; however, for the purposes of this website, information is presented based on previous policy to allow comparability of information across different years.

2023 | Top
Donor Global Statistics

News & Updates

SANA’A, Yemen/OSLO, Norway – When Maram* showed up at her parents' house, battered and bruised by her husband, her mother urged her to be less stubborn, more obedient – anything to avoid a divorce. It was a nightmare…
28 May 2019 Read Story
SANA'A, Yemen – Bushra was only 14 years old when her family arranged a child marriage to an older man, and a year later she became pregnant. She was a mother of six when her husband lost his job. Suddenly the family…
01 May 2019 Read Story

Mr. President,
Distinguished Members of the Executive Board,
Colleagues and friends,

23 January 2019 Read Story


Donor rankings include UN-to-UN transfers, which are UNFPA's top source of revenue overall.


Effective 1 January 2022, UNFPA adopted a new revenue recognition policy; however, for the purposes of this website, information is presented based on previous policy to allow comparability of information across different years.

2023 | Top
Donor Global Statistics

News & Updates

LILONGWE, Malawi – Isaac Zatha, the headmaster of Chapita Primary School in the Malawian district of Salima, spent years watching his girl students disappear from class when they were married off or became pregnant. “…
22 June 2020 Read Story
SANA’A, Yemen – With more than 130 confirmed cases  of COVID-19, Yemen is struggling to keep the full impact of the pandemic at bay, even as funds for life-sustaining health services are running out. The country's…
19 May 2020 Read Story
KURDISTAN, Iraq – Intisar* was only 15 years old when her parents forced her into a marriage. She described it as an act of commerce: They sold her to another family to pay off a debt. “It is the worst feeling in the…
26 March 2020 Read Story


Donor rankings include UN-to-UN transfers, which are UNFPA's top source of revenue overall.


Effective 1 January 2022, UNFPA adopted a new revenue recognition policy; however, for the purposes of this website, information is presented based on previous policy to allow comparability of information across different years.

2023 | Top
Donor Global Statistics

News & Updates

AL BAB, Northwest Syria – Bana, 12, was able to escape her hometown, the city of Aleppo, before the Syrian conflict engulfed her neighbourhood. It was the first of two times she and her family would have to flee…
22 February 2021 Read Story
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras – Women and girls in Honduras are at high risk in the aftermath of Hurricane Eta. More than 400,000 women have been directly affected by the widespread destruction and are now left without access…
08 November 2020 Read Story
SHAHRISTAN, Afghanistan – “It was midnight on 6 August when there was a loud knocking at my front door. My husband answered. Standing in the dark was a person asking for my help – a baby was being born,” Shirin…
21 October 2020 Read Story

United States of America

Donor rankings include UN-to-UN transfers, which are UNFPA's top source of revenue overall.


Effective 1 January 2022, UNFPA adopted a new revenue recognition policy; however, for the purposes of this website, information is presented based on previous policy to allow comparability of information across different years.

2023 | Top
Donor Global Statistics


Donor rankings include UN-to-UN transfers, which are UNFPA's top source of revenue overall.


Effective 1 January 2022, UNFPA adopted a new revenue recognition policy; however, for the purposes of this website, information is presented based on previous policy to allow comparability of information across different years.

2023 | Top
Donor Global Statistics

News & Updates

JUBA/KINSHASA/NEW YORK – Betty* is a survivor. The South Sudanese teenager has risen above a horrific act of violence and reclaimed her life. But her heroic act of recovery should never have been necessary, leaders at…
26 September 2019 Read Story
UNITED NATIONS, New York/SOMALI REGION, Ethiopia – Trik Dulene knows all about bullying and coercion when it comes to a woman’s reproductive choices.  Although she and her husband agreed to use family planning after…
02 August 2019 Read Story
Although Iraq has moved into a phase of reconstruction and resilience, the need for humanitarian assistance persists. UNFPA is supporting a wide range of services for internally displaced people, returnees and refugees…
07 March 2019 Read Story