International Consultant: Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies: Technical Writer

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As part of the GBV AoR’s mandate to provide guidance on prevention and response to gender-based violence (GBV) in emergencies, a Task Team[1] was formed to help coordinate a process to develop global inter-agency minimum standards for a specialized core program package to prevent and respond to gender based violence in emergencies (GBViE). UNFPA, UNICEF and the IRC, together with the Task Team, led a process from March to October 2017 to investigate the utility and feasibility of developing Minimum Standards for agencies/actors working on specialized GBViE programming. Feedback from ten field consultations and an online survey reflected a clear consensus that there is a high demand for Global Minimum Standards for GBV specialized programming. Participants identified a critical need to establish clear expectations regarding the scope and quality of GBViE specialist programming and supported the development of Minimum Standards that are relevant, applicable and user-friendly, across the spectrum of preparedness, emergency response, protracted crisis, and recovery. Furthermore, the consultations revealed a need for a common approach to GBV in emergencies as well as a common language for clarity around what constitutes GBV prevention and response. In January 2018, the GBV AoR Core members endorsed the development of Global Minimum Standards for GBV specialized programming.