Jordan: Securing Supplies for Syrian Refugees while Building Resilience in Jordan’s Health System
The Government of Jordan estimates 1 in 3 inhabitants in Jordan is non-Jordanian. Jordan hosts more than 650,000 registered Syrian refugees and 2.2 million Palestine refugees, as well as other nationalities and migrant workers. UNFPA achieved zero preventable maternal death in Jordan’s largest refugee camp by mobilizing resources, procuring reproductive health supplies, and making services available and accessible to the affected population.
Learn more about this series here.
Iraq: Rapid Response Mechanism Saves Women’s Lives Along the Route to Safety
Millions of Iraqis have fled their homes because of armed conflict, including the Mosul Offensive of 2016-2017, which led to one of the most complex humanitarian interventions in the history of the region. To ensure that lifesaving supplies and services were available, UNFPA and partners deployed a Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) to provide agile response and save countless lives. UNFPA deployed mobile reproductive health teams along routes of displacement.
Learn more about this series here.
Prepositioning Supplies in Disaster-Prone Countries of Asia and the Pacific
Prepositioning reproductive health supplies in areas vulnerable to natural disasters speeds up emergency assistance and saves lives; it also builds resilience in regular supply chains. In 2015, UNFPA established the Regional Prepositioning Initiative with support from Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Supplies are procured and stored at hubs in Brisbane, Australia and Suva, Fiji and in strategic locations around the 11 focus countries.
Learn more about this series here.
Hurricane Matthew: Women's needs in Haiti
When Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti on 4 October, it caused the worse devastation since the 2010 earthquake. UNFPA is assessing the needs of affected women and girls, and is providing care, support and assistance.